Fortifications along the Kelani River
D.P. Chandrasekara
About the Author(s)
D.P. Chandrasekara is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, University of Moratuwa. He teaches ‘History of Sri Lankan Architecture’ to undergraduate and postgraduate students. He has published several articles on the Heritage of Sri Lanka and Housing and Human Settlement Development. He has co-authored three books on Sri Lankan Architecture; Heritage Buildings of Sri Lanka, Architecture of Tampitaviharas of Sri Lanka and Architecture of Ambalama Buildings of Sri Lanka
About the Book
This publication is on the historical background and the architecture of the lesser known interior fortifications located along the Kelani River and its tributaries. There were 10 such lesser know forts at 08 locations. They were erected and occupied by the colonials as well as by the Sinhalese. These forts were the silent witnesses to many an important historic event connected with issues such as the strategies adopted during the battles, the type of weapons used, the areas under control and the extent of power of two parties during different periods.