Flowering Plants commonly encountered in Sri Lankan habitats
by Sriyanie Miththapala, Siril Wijesundara, Janaki Galappatti
About the Author(s)
Dr. Sriyanie Miththapala graduated in Biology from the University of Colombo and obtained her MA in Biology from Smith College, USA, and her PhD in Wildlife and Range Sciences from the University of Florida, USA.
Dr Siril W?esundara has a BSc and MPhil in Botany from the University of Peradeniya and an MPhil and PhD in Biology from the City University of New York.
Dr. Janaki Galappatti, a graduate of the University of Cambridge has a M.Sc. from Imperial College, London and a PhD from the University of Cambridge in Plant Pathology.
About the Book
This book describes a selection of the flowering plants of Sri Lanka.The authors describe the book as a celebration of these plants and hope that an appreciation of the plants presented here will generate an enthusiasm that will safe guard their existence in the face of threats due to human activities. They have avoided the use of scientific terminology as much as possible without sacrificing scientific accuracy.